Sunday, October 23, 2011


"This is dedicated to the King David Warrior whose home is my heart..."

Good morning, my darling friends,

As I was yesterday reading the Shabbat siddur, our Shabbat prayer book, at synagogue, I read these words: "For they sinned against me.... I destroyed their city..." I think this says it all...

We need to go back to Torah and get closer to G-d's Commandments... No one says we have to become rabbis, but we have a Creator to whom we owe our lives, and who has left us a how-to-succeed instruction book.

We are supposed to be intelligent. Sure, even Adam made a big mistake, for who in his right mind would risk Paradise for a miserable apple...?

Let's correct Adam's mistake and let us use the Divine Gift of Intelligence to allow ourselves to be inspired by G-d, by listening to His Message to us...

We are trying everything else and it's not working. Let's try this. Let's bring mankind to the next level, of an intelligent maturity, let's lead in the path to save this world... within G-d's Teachings...

Among so many teachings in all fields of life, the Torah says it with unmistakable precision:

The Land of Israel was given to the Jewish people by G-d Himself...

Our Emunah, our Faith in G-d's Words and Commandments should not be negotiable and must prevail.

WE should have the upper hand on this. No godless human being has a say when it's about G-d's Words.

Israel belongs to the Jews. That's G-d's Will. Period.

The morning of a new week in this new year...

May it be beautiful, may it bring us closer to G-d, for therein is salvation...

May G-d bless us at each of our steps...

May G-d Bless Israel, the Jewish people, the American people, and our friends and allies worldwide.

With Grace, with Love...

Yours, Batsheva

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